1897 Parts Diagram
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1897 32335*
1898 64668*
1899 96999*
1900 129332*
1901 161665*
1902 193998*
1903 226331*
1904 258664
1905 296037
1906 334059
1907 377999
1908 413618
1909 446888
1910 481062
1911 512632
1912 544313
1913 575213
1914 592732
1915 607673
1916 624537
1917 646124
1918 668383
1919 691943
1920 696183
1921 700428
1922 715902
1923 732060
1924 744942
1925 757629
1926 770527
1927 783574
1928 796806
1929 807321
1930 812729
1931 830721
1932 833926
1933 835637
1934 837364
1935 839728
1936 848684
1937 856729
1937 856729
1938 860725
1939 866938
1940 875945
1941 891190
1942 910072
1943 912265
1944 912327
1945 916472
1946 926409
1947 936682
1948 944085
1949 953042*
1950 961999*
1951 970956*
1952 979913*
1953 988860*
1954 997827*
1955 1006784*
1956 1015741*
1957 1024700*
* Estimates
Winchester 1897 Shotgun - Manufacture Dates
The following serial numbers were assigned at the end of the years shown below (
From Antique Firearm Network
1897 Versions and Changes